Ho! Ho! Ho!
Santa's on Ham Radio
Share the magic of Ham Radio and Santa Claus with your children, grandchildren, and neighborhood kids.
The Santa Net is held every evening between Thanksgiving and Christmas on 3.916 MHz at 7:00PM Central Time (check-ins open 1/2 hour before).
Santa Net Videos
Want to share yours?
Film your contact with Santa and upload it to YouTube. Send the YouTube URL in an email to elf@cqsanta.com, and we'll post it here!
These three boys have been talking with Santa over the radio for many years! We have them logged back to at least 2021. Santa listened intently through he static, and he's coming to their house soon.
Adam N4NT, Bristol, Tennessee
Laughing with excitement, Olivia talked all the way to the north pole! She was hoping for an American Girl doll, and somehow Santa already knew!
Tom KT4FLY, Williamsburg, Kentucky
Kennedy has been a great kid all year long. She made contact with Santa and Mrs Claus, promised to decorate cookies for Santa, and leave carrots for Rudolph too!
Kevin K5EVN, Farmersville, Texas
Dad set up the perfect moment for this one, with fires blazing and radio static crackling, capturing Rosie's magical moment with Santa and Mrs. Claus!
Stephen WY6Y, Edmond, Oklahoma
Michael's been calling into Santa Net for many years now. He's a seasoned pro. Santa's got big plans for this good kid!
Shaun K0SMM, Lincoln, Nebraska
Here it is. The first Santa Net video of 2024! Jonah and Judah, running QRP from the hunting shack, made contact with the big man. Such excitement coming from the state of Louisiana!
Jeremy K5BIU, Winnsboro, Louisiana
An outdoor contact with Santa, complete with crickets chirping in the background like sleighbells. It hasn't snowed in Orlando, Florida since 1977, but that won't stop Santa and his sleigh from paying a good boy like Greyson a visit!
Nicholas N4BUT, Orlando, Florida
Bret and his family show up show up every year, checking in from their farm in rural Kansas. Watch as Kyle, Ella, Geneva, Vivian, Watson, Lauren and Weslyn make an unforgettable moment with Santa.
Bret AC0AE, Atlanta, Kansas
Wow, Sage's granddad really knows how to edit video and shovel chocolate pie. This video is a treat, and Santa Net's first from 2021!
Jon N5UUA, Wagoner, Oklahoma
Zoey wants a dinosaur! No request is too big for the big man. Such a great video. Zoey's contact starts around the 3 minute mark
Joey KI5DDO, Cedar Park, Texas